Thursday, January 14, 2010

January Two Thousand TEN?!

A new year begins.

I'm trying to pick up where I left off when I last tried to kick my life into "Healthy-drive". I'll be honest- the loss my family has experienced, followed by the holidays was just too much for my willpower to take on. I know that leading a healthy life includes stressful times and holidays, but STARTING then just wasn't going to happen for me.

I've been planning out all our meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all three of us. It's saving us money, time, and calories! :) Just this week I've started getting back into exercising. MaryLu (my mother in law) got me the Wii EA Active for Christmas (I'd told her I wanted it!) and it is kick-butt! After my first workout on Monday, I was so sore that I was hanging onto furniture all the time! LOL Today I tried again, doing "day two" of the 30 day challenge- but I skipped the lunges- I just couldn't do it! Next week, I promise. :)

I'm doing well, but still having trouble with stress eating. I swear, it's like something takes over my hands and mouth and I don't even realize it until I've consumed twice as much as I meant to. It only seems to happen when I'm stressed or worried- so dealing with that is step one, but I think I may need more help than my mommy group can provide. ;) I use but the resources there regarding emotional eating just seem silly. NOT what I need. I read up on Overeater's Annonymous- because in theory it sounds perfect- except that the strong religious tenents just aren't for me. SO, I'm still on the lookout. I think I'll end up contacting a counselor of some sort- just not sure yet.

Thanks for reading, and I hope your year is off to a positive and productive start, too! :)

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