Monday, March 22, 2010


I was scrolling down and noticed my post about the personal trainer. Well, update: I quit. LOL It was a great experience. I did it because it was "free"- and I am glad I did. I don't know that I would have tried using a personal trainer otherwise. BUT, I did and I learned a lot even in the few sessions we had. In the end though- it was a long drive away (Fayetteville!), I had to get a babysitter once a week to make it happen ($$), and the other time I was missing some of the very little time Chas and I have together. The training itself was great- the logistics of it all? Crappy. Anyway, I am continuing to exercise with a few coworkers after school and it is going well. Knowing that someone is waiting for you is fabulous motivation- and getting it out of the way immediately after school is SO nice. Not only do I get to bask in the post-workout energy rush (unlike working out late at night when I have to go to sleep!), but it means I don't have to give it a second thought when I get home. FABULOUS!!! I've also noticed lately that if we skip a day or two, it's hard to get back into it- so I'm gung ho, full steam ahead, don't skip a beat- for now!! I even worked out at home Friday night on the Wii! I haven't done that in forever. LOL

AAAAAND: Someone at work said "You've lost weight- you look great!" today!!! I think it was more the fact that I had my hair down for once, and had put makeup on- but I'll take the compliment!! :) :) :) :)

I hope my vast audience is doing well, too! ;) Love you all!

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