Monday, August 30, 2010

Catching up...

OK, so a friend of mine was teasing me for NOT blogging all summer- what can I say, I do better when I'm on a schedule and in a routine!! :)

So, to catch up:
We had a super busy summer- lots of fun!! We went to museums, playdates, farms, parks, beaches, and grandma's houses. :)

My big girl turned five, had an awesome birthday party, and danced her heart out in a very cool recital.

My boy went from bump on a log to motor-scooter, crawling ALL OVER THE PLACE. Chubbers holds his spot in the 95th percentile. Yes, looks like my 8 pound 35 weeker is staying at the top of the charts! Can't believe my baby is ONE YEAR OLD!!

Abby started kindergarten, and after 3 days was splitting her time between K and 1st grade. Two weeks of this and she's now a full time first grader. My barely 5 year old, a first grader. WOW! Doesn't time go fast enough as it is?? So super proud of her though!

I'm teaching at a new school (new to me, that is). I'm happy to be back in an elementary school, excited to be in the same building with Abby, and thrilled at the camaraderie of the folks I am working with. The energy in this building is FABULOUS! I couldn't be happier. :)

I've blogged a lot about my journey to healthy... well, I must say that the train has derailed. I find it easier for me to control my eating when other parts of my life are out of control (like, I can control this one thing, KWIM?)... Well, things are going well, and I'm having trouble pulling the healthy thing back together. I'm embarrassed to say that I've gained back most of what I lost over the last year. :( I'm happy at work and in my family life right now, and it's hard to convince me to go to the gym, when I'm so looking forward to rehashing the day with my hubby, helping Abby with her homework, and snuggling with my baby. Miss an hour+ of this at the gym? :( I know I *SHOULD*... I know I *CAN*... Just gotta get there. *sigh*

If you've read this far, GOOD FOR YOU - and THANKS!! <3

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