Thursday, October 29, 2009

What a day

Work was long and hard- my students were at their least cooperative, and the day seemed to drag on forever.

Then I spoke with my mom on the phone, and hear that my grandpa still isn't doing well. He's been in the hospital for over three weeks. He was admitted for breathing difficulty- turns out he had pneumonia. They ended up putting him into an induced coma, to perform the necessary procedures. Well, he's still not completely out of it. They stopped the sedatives. They took out his breathing tube. He still has a feeding tube, but otherwise is on his own- breathing wise, etc. However, he can't move. He can squeeze your hand and nod his head, but is otherwise immobile. He can barely speak, a few words at a time, soft and hoarse. My mom and my brother are right there, and both seem scared that he's given up. I haven't seen him since July- when we were dancing at my cousin's wedding. I just cannot wrap my mind around this, and when I try, I just break down. He hasn't met his great-grandson yet. I am just heart-broken. I am going to send him some pictures and things- in hopes of getting his spirits up. I would do anything...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Birthday!

Another year has passed, and I'm now 31. Wow- sometimes it still surprises me that I'm a grown up. :) Well, add that surprise to the mountain of other emotions I've been through so far today...

My day began in the wee hours of the morning, feeding my newborn, and then giving my firstborn a "breathing treatment" as she lay in her bed.

I was moved to tears, when my mom called at 8:30. For the first 30 years of my life, no matter where I was (my parents' home, away at college, at my adult home in another state), my grandpa has called and sang Happy Birthday to me on the phone. His recent medical issues have left him unable to speak for the time being, and he "asked" my mom to call and sing for him. I appreciated her doing that for him, and for me. It was one more reminder of how my grandparents are aging, and it tears me up to think about it.

As I got off the phone, Chas and Abby came upstairs with my birthday card and presents. They cheered me up with the sweet card, and something I've been wanting for a while- a Wii Fit. I got the Biggest Loser "game" to go with it as well. :)

We went and had mexican food for lunch- yummy- and are now back home. Chas had to go to work, so the kids and I are laying low at home for the rest of the day. Now, I need to get off here and go finish making their Halloween costumes! :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

First Blog!

I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time (like, since my four year old was born!) and I'm finally doing it. :) I can't promise to post all the time- but who knows, maybe it will happen.

Life at the moment...

Chas and I have lived in McDonough for a little over 4 years. We have a lovely 4 year old girl named Abby and a two month old boy named Alex. We're a pretty average, happy family, I think.

I'm teaching ESOL, for the third year now, and I love it. It is so much more gratifying to me than the frustrating I felt in the general education classroom. In this economy, I am thankful each day for my job, and I hope that my position remains secure for years to come.

After years of saying I want to get healthy (or get "skinny" depending on the day), I'm making real changes. I use to log my calories and exercise. After having Alex, I lost my pregnancy weight fairly quickly, and upon being cleared by my doctor 6 weeks after delivery, set a short term goal of losing 25 pounds. I'm already more than half way there, and still charging ahead. It's all mind-set, really, and I've finally got my mind in the right place. :)

As for the title of my blog- do you have mommy brain? Some days I think Mommy Brain is a wonderful thing. You know all the random knowledge that mothers possess? I am full of useful (or useless, depending on your POV) information about preschool development, songs, and shows; about where to find the best deals on kid stuff; about exactly how *my* kids need to be tucked in to achieve sleepdom, etc... Other days- most of the time, actually- I experience the other side of "Mommy Brain". I forget where I put my keys, where I parked the car, what day it is, if I brushed my teeth or now, and a multitude of other things. So, here, I shall share the random ramblings of *My* Mommy Brain.