Saturday, October 24, 2009

First Blog!

I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time (like, since my four year old was born!) and I'm finally doing it. :) I can't promise to post all the time- but who knows, maybe it will happen.

Life at the moment...

Chas and I have lived in McDonough for a little over 4 years. We have a lovely 4 year old girl named Abby and a two month old boy named Alex. We're a pretty average, happy family, I think.

I'm teaching ESOL, for the third year now, and I love it. It is so much more gratifying to me than the frustrating I felt in the general education classroom. In this economy, I am thankful each day for my job, and I hope that my position remains secure for years to come.

After years of saying I want to get healthy (or get "skinny" depending on the day), I'm making real changes. I use to log my calories and exercise. After having Alex, I lost my pregnancy weight fairly quickly, and upon being cleared by my doctor 6 weeks after delivery, set a short term goal of losing 25 pounds. I'm already more than half way there, and still charging ahead. It's all mind-set, really, and I've finally got my mind in the right place. :)

As for the title of my blog- do you have mommy brain? Some days I think Mommy Brain is a wonderful thing. You know all the random knowledge that mothers possess? I am full of useful (or useless, depending on your POV) information about preschool development, songs, and shows; about where to find the best deals on kid stuff; about exactly how *my* kids need to be tucked in to achieve sleepdom, etc... Other days- most of the time, actually- I experience the other side of "Mommy Brain". I forget where I put my keys, where I parked the car, what day it is, if I brushed my teeth or now, and a multitude of other things. So, here, I shall share the random ramblings of *My* Mommy Brain.

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