Sunday, October 14, 2012

October update

Gym.  I was doing good there for a while- but lost my momentum.  Need to try the "after dinner" plan again. :)

Food.  I haven't logged with in a while- I REALLY need to get back in the habit.  It definitely makes a difference for me.

Work.  I am really loving my job this year.  With that, though, I've put a lot more time and effort into it- which has caused a bit of stress- but I can work it out.  ;o)

Play.  Just got back from vacation- For the first time ever, Chas and I left the kids with the grandparents (MaryLu & Charlie) and went on vacation on our own!  We spent three nights at the beach and it was LOVELY!  First vacation in a LONG time that left me feeling rested at the end instead of frazzled!

Family.  Last week, my grandma had a stroke and spent a week in the hospital.  No physical effects, but she has no memory - she can only talk about life up until she married Grandpa.   While she was in the hospital, aunt Patti was in a terrible car accident.  The car was totaled and no one expected survivors- but somehow, she escaped with only bruises.  They are trying to figure out what caused her blurry/double vision that led to the crash.

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